It is well known that OpenCV manage rectangular region of interest (ROI) and not Circular or elliptical regions. So as to crop a circular or elliptical region of interest, there is a simple trick by applying a (circular/elliptical) binary mask on the image.
Here i'm going to show an example of using mask to extract elliptical/circular region for face detection task.
Actually this help to get rid of hair, background, neck, and all the noisy things which can appear jointly with the face.
void main()
//----->Load image
IplImage* Src = cvLoadImage("C:/ Test.jpg");
//----->Face detection function
CvRect* FaceD;
FaceDetection(Src, FaceD); //This function is already defined, it returns the position of the face
//----->Extract the elliptical region of the face
//Crop the rectangular region of the face + convert it to grayscale image
CvRect ROIRect = cvRect(FaceD->x, FaceD->y, FaceD->width, FaceD->height );
CvSize ROISize= cvSize(FaceD->width, FaceD->height );
IplImage* ImgROI = cvCreateImage( ROISize, Src->depth, Src->nChannels);
cvSetImageROI(Src, ROIRect);
cvCopy(Src, ImgROI, NULL);
IplImage* ImgROIGray = cvCreateImage( ROISize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCvtColor(ImgROI, ImgROIGray, CV_RGB2GRAY );
//Encircle the face
CvPoint FaceCenter = cvPoint(FaceD->width/2,FaceD->height/2);
IplImage *res = cvCreateImage(Size(ImgROI->width,ImgROI->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
IplImage *roi = cvCreateImage(Size(ImgROI->width,ImgROI->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvEllipse(roi, FaceCenter, cvSize(FaceD->width/2*0.85, FaceD->height/2*1.05), 0.0, 0.0, 360.0, CV_RGB(255,255,255), -1, 8, 0);
cvAnd(ImgROIGrayEq, ImgROIGrayEq, res, roi);
cvNamedWindow("win");cvShowImage("win", res);cvWaitKey(10);
Here i'm going to show an example of using mask to extract elliptical/circular region for face detection task.
Actually this help to get rid of hair, background, neck, and all the noisy things which can appear jointly with the face.
void main()
//----->Load image
IplImage* Src = cvLoadImage("C:/ Test.jpg");
//----->Face detection function
CvRect* FaceD;
FaceDetection(Src, FaceD); //This function is already defined, it returns the position of the face
//----->Extract the elliptical region of the face
//Crop the rectangular region of the face + convert it to grayscale image
CvRect ROIRect = cvRect(FaceD->x, FaceD->y, FaceD->width, FaceD->height );
CvSize ROISize= cvSize(FaceD->width, FaceD->height );
IplImage* ImgROI = cvCreateImage( ROISize, Src->depth, Src->nChannels);
cvSetImageROI(Src, ROIRect);
cvCopy(Src, ImgROI, NULL);
IplImage* ImgROIGray = cvCreateImage( ROISize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCvtColor(ImgROI, ImgROIGray, CV_RGB2GRAY );
//Encircle the face
CvPoint FaceCenter = cvPoint(FaceD->width/2,FaceD->height/2);
IplImage *res = cvCreateImage(Size(ImgROI->width,ImgROI->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
IplImage *roi = cvCreateImage(Size(ImgROI->width,ImgROI->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvEllipse(roi, FaceCenter, cvSize(FaceD->width/2*0.85, FaceD->height/2*1.05), 0.0, 0.0, 360.0, CV_RGB(255,255,255), -1, 8, 0);
cvAnd(ImgROIGrayEq, ImgROIGrayEq, res, roi);
cvNamedWindow("win");cvShowImage("win", res);cvWaitKey(10);
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